We love Spaghetti. The hardest thing about switching our diet was giving up meat sauce. It just isn’t as good without some ground meat or another. I stumbled on a great sauce that is completely meatless, vegetarian, and even vegan I would think: 1 or 2 Yellow Squash (depending on size) 1 or 2 Zucchini (depending on size) 1 Packet of mushrooms Onion (optional) Green Pepper (only if you want to ruin the sauce completely, those things are nasty) Crapton of minced garlic Italian seasoning (I use Oregano, Time, Savory, Bay Leaves, Salt & Pepper, Paprika, Parsley, and Spatini) 2 Cans of Minced Tomatoes with Italian Seasoning (easier that way) 2 Jars of your favorite marinara sauce or a couple cans of straight tomato sauce (I use this one) And the secret ingredient…Garbanzo Beans…yes, you read that right. Use good beans, like Goya, makes a big difference. Chop the onion and throw into your huge ass sauce pan. Add the mushrooms and 2/3 of the Crapton of Garlic (the more garlic you add, the better it will taste and add that ground meat like texture). Saute till soft and yummy smelling. If you chose to ruin the sauce with a Bell Pepper, throw that in now. Completely disgusting. Chop the Squash and Zucchini and them to mix along with the 1/3 Crapton of Garlic remaining. Add some of the seasonings (except Spatini) and mix it all up. Throw in the cans of Tomatoes…liquid and all, don’t rinse…and the thoroughly drained and rinsed beans. Let this simmer a bit to mix the flavors. Then dump in the Sauce, and at this point add the Spatini. Don’t have any? Use the little packets of Spaghetti seasoning, and then order Spatini. It is brilliant. Let simmer for a bit, and serve over your favorite pasta with some parmesan cheese. We love it on whole grain Angel Hair. Did I mention Bell Peppers are horrible and should be nowhere near spaghetti...
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