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Why I do What I do, and an Apology to Hurt Friends

Why I do What I do, and an Apology to Hurt Friends

  Recently in a post I made through Facebook about Voter ID laws in North Carolina, a rather puzzling exchange took place with a friend of mine. Puzzling to me at least. After Section 4 of the VRA was dismantled, North Carolina Republican Lawmakers took advantage of their new freedom from Department of Justice oversight, and put forth new voting laws. Already being angry at the GOP/Conservative SCOTUS Justices who overturned the section, I blasted off a link to a article on it. I don’t usually use them because of their angry and  purely anti-Conservative tone, but I was pissed and it was the first thing I saw on the subject. I ended the post by calling the lawmakers “Damn evil GOP bastards”. Which given what they were trying to do I thought was merited. Evidently, I didn’t make it clear as to who I directed my insult towards. I didn’t understand why my friend (who lives in North Carolina) go so upset and took my insult personally. I wasn’t talking about her at all, but the actual people who submitted and voted for the legislation. I tried to argue the points of why these laws have nothing to do with fraud and everything to do with suppressing opposing voter turnout. My brilliant wife explained to me that my friend most likely thought I was referring to either Republicans in general or NC Republicans in particular. My brilliant explanation didn’t work even though my facts are sound on the subject. When she thought she was being insulted, none of that mattered a bit. This led to a conversation with said brilliant wife, and some thinking on my part as a result. I wanted to first and foremost apologize to any and all my friends that I have offended in the past over posts, especially on Facebook. If you are on my friends list and can see a post, then deep down inside I do not want to offend you.  My goal is to make people think. I firmly believe that a combination of facts and inspiring words can change the ideas and hearts of people. This, IMHO, is how we progress society and see love and justice for all. It is why I post things that are not just personal updates and geekiness. At the core of my personality, I am an activist who needs people and ideas to fight for. I often think this is what attracted me to “Professional Ministry” and the whole church leadership gig. That, however, is the subject of another post. I firmly believe with all of my heart that any and everyone is entitled to their views and...

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How I Lost Faith in the “Pro-Life” Movement

How I Lost Faith in the “Pro-Life” Movement

Here is a good read about one young Christian woman’s journey into and out of the “Pro-Life” movement. With all the crap going on in some Red states nowadays (Texas, Ohio, and North Carolina), this article is very relevant. I’m not going to say much about it, because she does a great job of telling her story and pointing out the inherent self contradictions of the movement. I have not been a fan for many years of Pro-Life techniques and tactics. Since leaving the Church, I see little to no value in what they are doing. Keep in mind, there is a huge difference between opposing abortion and being “Pro-Life”. In many ways, the two are not even related because of how the Pro-Life movement interacts with the political landscape. Like most Progressives, I believe that abortion should be safe, legal, and rare. What is the best way to prevent an abortion? It’s to stop unintended pregnancies before they happen. Study, after study, has shown that where contraception is available, inexpensive, and coupled with proper sexual health education the abortion rates are lower. So why do so many in the movement oppose these proven methods if their real goal is to “save babies”? Libby Anne reveals why in: How I Lost Faith in the “Pro-Life”...

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Vegetarian Spaghetti Sauce that Rocks!

Vegetarian Spaghetti Sauce that Rocks!

We love Spaghetti. The hardest thing about switching our diet was giving up meat sauce. It just isn’t as good without some ground meat or another. I stumbled on a great sauce that is completely meatless, vegetarian, and even vegan I would think: 1 or 2 Yellow Squash (depending on size) 1 or 2 Zucchini (depending on size) 1 Packet of mushrooms Onion (optional) Green Pepper (only if you want to ruin the sauce completely, those things are nasty) Crapton of minced garlic Italian seasoning (I use Oregano, Time, Savory, Bay Leaves, Salt & Pepper, Paprika, Parsley, and Spatini) 2 Cans of Minced Tomatoes with Italian Seasoning (easier that way) 2 Jars of your favorite marinara sauce or a couple cans of straight tomato sauce (I use this one) And the secret ingredient…Garbanzo Beans…yes, you read that right. Use good beans, like Goya, makes a big difference. Chop the onion and throw into your huge ass sauce pan. Add the mushrooms and 2/3 of the Crapton of Garlic (the more garlic you add, the better it will taste and add that ground meat like texture). Saute till soft and yummy smelling. If you chose to ruin the sauce with a Bell Pepper, throw that in now. Completely disgusting. Chop the Squash and Zucchini and them to mix along with the 1/3 Crapton of Garlic remaining. Add some of the seasonings (except Spatini) and mix it all up. Throw in the cans of Tomatoes…liquid and all, don’t rinse…and the thoroughly drained and rinsed beans. Let this simmer a bit to mix the flavors. Then dump in the Sauce, and at this point add the Spatini. Don’t have any? Use the little packets of Spaghetti seasoning, and then order Spatini. It is brilliant. Let simmer for a bit, and serve over your favorite pasta with some parmesan cheese. We love it on whole grain Angel Hair. Did I mention Bell Peppers are horrible and should be nowhere near spaghetti...

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Bible Translation is Messy, but Inerrancy is Crap

Bible Translation is Messy, but Inerrancy is Crap

This is more for those who are Theological Geeks or adhere to the quest for “original autographs” of the texts to base their “Inerrancy Theology” of the original languages on. (If you didn’t follow that sentence, then this may bore the crap out of you) Bible translation is always both an exercise in turning words from one language to another, as well as making theological choices. Any English Bible you read has been influenced by the translators understanding of the original language, as well as their theological framework (if you deny this, then you don’t understand how translation works, or handle snakes and insist that Jesus translated the 1611 KJV as the only Authorized one). It is better to learn the original Koine Greek, Aramaic and Hebrew languages to understand them, right? I will give you that with Greek, but Hebrew/Aramaic  may be another story altogether. When I was in Seminary, my Hebrew class was based on the Masoretic text which are used for pretty much all Protestant “Old Testament” translations. Stick with me, it’s that complicated. I was taught in Seminary that the Septuagint (Greek translation of the Hebrew scriptures) was inferior, and the Masoretic texts were the “Original Texts” for the sake of “Inerrancy” and “Divine Inspiration” reasons. Here is the rub though, the oldest pieces of Masoretic texts we have, date from the 9th Century AD and the oldest complete edition is from the 10th century AD. Yes, that is correct. The “Old” Testament many hold as “perfect” is based on “original” texts written 900-1000 years AFTER the “New” Testament, and several thousand years after their purported original authorship. Enlightening isn’t it. Then we have the Septuagint. It was translated in the 2nd century BC and the earliest complete copy we have dates from the 4th Century AD and we have bits of it as early as the 2nd Century BC. That is a full 500-600 years earlier than the “authoritative” Hebrew texts. That bit of historical oddity was explained by the fact that much of the Septuagint lines up with the Masoretic texts. Where it doesn’t, the Masoretic was taken as the original source even though it was newer than the Greek translation. It trumped the Septuagint if there was a difference. Funny thing happened on the way to 1948 though. A shepherd boy found some clay jars in the West Bank that contained documents that would become known as The Dead Sea Scrolls. In the pots were writings collected from 408 BC to 318 AD. Among them are parts of almost every book in the Hebrew scriptures…in HEBREW. This means that we have manuscripts that are about 700 years older than the oldest Masoretic text...

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Knock it off already…

Knock it off already…

Marriage equality is an issue I wholeheartedly support. I’ve been advocating for it through social media for years now. The fact that Christianity seems to the be biggest enemy of the LGBT community is sad, frustrating, and a huge reason why I am no longer part of any church. I was so proud of both my home and adopted states, when their voters became the first to approve the right for same gender couples to marry last November in America. In Seminary, I was also told that a Liberal is defined as a someone who believed women could be pastors and that homosexuality is not a sin. I kid you not, dear reader, that was the answer the teacher gave me when I asked them define “Liberal Christian”. I guess I am guilty as charged if that is your metric. So along those lines, the Conservative Christian Church (CCC) has a long history of stating the Bible demands that God CLEARLY SAYS marriage is between one man and one woman. Having done nearly 15 years of academics focused almost solely the Bible, Theology, Church History, Exegesis and several other boring Greek/Latin terms spanning five distinct denominations, this baffles me. Are these people actually READING the Bible or just one or two passages that back up a preconceived notion? Or, as they like to call it, using  Eisegesis to determine meaning.  Evidently, I am not a alone in my puzzlement. Three Biblical Scholars in Iowa wrote an op-ed on the subject. I track with everything they said with the exception of this quote of course: So, while it is not accurate to state that biblical texts would allow marriages between people of the same sex, it is equally incorrect to declare that a “one-man-and-one-woman” marriage is the only allowable type of marriage deemed legitimate in biblical texts. If the Bible doesn’t give a one-size-fits-all definition of marriage throughout time (or a list of acceptable ones at the very least) then there is no reason to believe that the “text” wouldn’t allow for same sex marriage. It just doesn’t address an issue that didn’t exist a couple of millennia ago. Nitpicks aside, they make a very good point that I have been trying to make for years. If you want to oppose Marriage Equality, then that is your right, but you simply cannot say that: “The Bible says marriage is only between one man and one woman.” It is just not true. You MAY be able to make a case that certain authors expressed that sentiment, but it is NOT consistent through the whole of the Bible. You certainly cannot state that “GOD SAYS marriage is between one...

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Twenty-Three Bolts

Twenty-Three Bolts

I wrote this for the Surrey International Writing Conference short story contest in 2010. It didn’t win, but I like it. It was really cathartic to write, and help me deal with some things I was struggling with at the time. It’s very autobiographical if you can’t tell. The story takes place in one of my wife’s universes. She won the contest in 2007 with a story set in this universe, and hopefully will return to it at some time. Hope you enjoy: Twenty-Three Bolts by Jason Douros 2010   Twenty-three rust rimed bolts hold the eight centimeter steel plate that serves as my bedroom ceiling in place. I’d counted fourteen times before giving up on the entire notion of sleep. It’s amazing the things you notice when rest eludes you. I slipped out of bed, habitually careful not to disturb the vision of beauty beside me. Cooper hair cascaded over a stiff military issue pillowcase. Not as radiant as it once was, punctuated with wisps of white. Three years on a voyage through the silent reaches of space will age a person. A once slim and athletic figure gave way to the sedentary lifestyle of a captain’s wife. Her beauty survived the arduous journey, but the changes haunted me. I can’t believe she chose to spend her life on this insane journey. She gave up so much to be with me. It wasn’t always like this. We were content and happy on Earth. I’ll never forget the night we met.   I had returned from a supply run during the last Continental Wars. It was nothing out of the ordinary, your typical drop and dash. I wasn’t a soldier, only the captain of a small Ballard class freighter. I contracted out to the North American military effort. I didn’t really care about the war, but it was good pay. The pub was virtually deserted that Thursday night. That’s why I went. I was examining the ancient gashes and dings on the real wood bar mulling over my carrier choice. My cheap Scotch was almost drained when she slipped in beside me. Startled, I turned as I heard her order. “Dirty martini, really dirty.” Red hair cascaded nearly half way down her back. She wore it lose and it beautifully matched her pale skin. Bright blue eyes dancing with life met mine, and a lopsided smile parted her thin lips. I must have been staring, with jaw agape, like a drunken fool. Her brow crinkled in the middle and her mouth quirked a bit. “You going to be ok there, cowboy?” her eyes sparkled mischievously. “Huh…oh…um…yeah, sorry…I was ah just…” Fidgeting with my glass...

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Matt Smith to quit Doctor Who after Christmas special – Telegraph

Matt Smith to quit Doctor Who after Christmas special – Telegraph

Arrgghhhhhhh My favorite Doctor, 11 played by Matt Smith, is leaving Doctor Who. I loved his adventures, especially with Amy Pond (Karen Gillan). It seems that between David Tennant and Matt Smith, they click really well with one companion (I thought Catherine Tate and David Tennant were great as well though) but when that companion leaves the current Doctor isn’t long for the show. Doctor Who has always been about the chemistry of the Doctor and his Companion(s). Now that the shock is wearing off, it makes a bit of sense. Clara (Jenna-Louise Coleman)  is just no Pond(s). Perhaps she will find her chemistry with the new Doctor. Like all good Sci-Fi, Doctor Who is about people and their relationships. Character drives the stories, and the situations they find themselves in, alter those relationships. The Whoverse is one of the oldest and richest Sci-Fi universes out there, but it boils down to one Time Lord, his TARDIS, and those who traverse its expanse together. This, above all, is why the show is one of my favorites. Great writing, great characters, and a Madman in a Box with a Sonic Screwdriver saving the universe time after time. Looking forward to the heartbreaking Christmas Special now almost as much as the 50th Anniversary. Bow Ties will forever be cool thanks to you 11. Matt Smith to quit Doctor Who after Christmas special –...

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